What is 2022 Turkey Insurtech Awards?

Aiming at digital transformation in the insurance industry, 2022 Turkey Insurtech Awards is the first and only Insurtech award organization in Turkey.

Insurtech Hub helps companies improve by providing a comprehensive report that includes feedback, tips, and opportunities to make specific improvements to their business. This report includes an Insurtech Score, a subjective measure of each company's competitive position in the insurance industry, with the highest scoring companies rewarded at the end of the scoring.

Evaluation Process & Criteria for Finalists

After the application process specified in the event calendar for the 2022 Turkey Insurtech Awards is completed, the evaluation process begins on the Insurtech Hub website with the participation of the jury members. All projects whose applications have been completed are randomly distributed to the jury members on a category basis. As a result of the evaluation to be made by at least 5 jury members for each project, the 5 projects with the highest votes in each category will be finalists and the first 3 will be awarded. The company with the highest score regardless of the category is eligible to win the “Best Insurtech Insurance Company of the Year Award”. Awards are presented on the stage at the award ceremony to be held for the projects determined as “Category Winner”.

User Experience

The content and process of a project/product/technology will be evaluated, as they are is responsible for the fundamental initiation of users and policy generation.

Process Improvement

Projenin, ürünün veya teknolojinin sigorta süreçlerinin bütününde hangi süreçlerini ne düzeyde iyileştirdiği ve iyileştirilen sürecin sağladığı kazanımlar başarıyı artırıcı önemli bir unsurdur.


The fact that the presented project/product/technology is unique and has been created in a way that differentiates it from previous experiences is a requirement for a unique project and market continuity.


It is an advantage that the project/product/technology is applicable and adaptable at other points in the insurance processes.


How to Apply?

Relevant candidates can apply from the "Insurtech Awards Application Form" section, which can be accessed on the Insurtech.org website.

Application period will be held between 15 December 2021 – 30 January 2022. Prices in all categories are standard and 700 TL + VAT for each category.

TR27 0003 2000 0000 0066 6549 25
Branch Code- Account Number: 32- 66654925

Dear candidates, if you deposit the application fee to the above IBAN information, your application will be evaluated. **Application is waived for Insurtech Hub member companies. They can participate with the code given to them.

Disclosure of results; The results of the Insurtech Awards 2022, which will be held within the scope of the 03 - 05 March 2022 International Insurance Fair and Congress, will be announced.

Application Conditions

  • In order for the candidate project to be evaluated, it must be suitable in terms of content in one of the existing categories specified on the categories page.
  • The applicant accepts the accuracy of all the information (project owner, company information, introduction letter, content, invoice information, etc.) entered during the application.
  • Projects that can be visited with a username and password will be evaluated for the jury if they provide a special username and password that they will use during the evaluation. Projects that can be visited for a certain fee will be able to participate in the organization if they offer a free trial period for the jury to evaluate.
  • The project for which nomination is made must be accessible from the date of application until the end of the final evaluations.
  • All applications are taken online. All the information for the project must be entered correctly and completely in the applications. If the project has options in different languages, there must be pages with Turkish content. Likewise, for mobile applications, the name of the project and the download link must be entered correctly and completely.
  • The application fees announced on the Insurtech Hub website are valid, and the applications of the projects whose application fee is paid are accepted and evaluated. No refund will be made to the applicant for completed projects.
  • *If sufficient applications are not reached in any category, InsurTech Hub has the right to close the relevant category.

Awards and Conditions

Candidate projects are evaluated and awarded by the Insurtech Awards jury, which consists of experienced and leading names in the insurance industry. All applications that meet the selection criteria and are submitted on time are evaluated as candidates and the jury determines the award winners from among these applications.*

*Applicants accept that the awards of all projects worthy of the award may not be given and announced in the same way, while some of them are given at the award night, some of them may not.
