You can examine the speakers and topics of the Insurtech Conferences 2022, organized within the scope of the International Insurance Fair and Congress, below. Insurtech Hub Program Leader Ebru Sakine Şevli, including Ekmob Founding Partner Sunay Şener, who talked about “Sales Force Management in the Insurance Industry” in the Digital Solution Platforms Session, VP International Sales at Binah AI Alon Shem-Tov, AffinityBox General Manager Burak Gündüz, Lumnion Deputy Manager Ege Demirhan and Founder of Actimi & Digital Transformation Association Murat Kaya took place as speakers. Are You Ready for the Future with Insurtechs? In the session, Yıldız Teknopark General Manager Orhan Tanışman and Tazi AI Artificial Intelligence Solutions Director Akif Güneş talked about “The Impact of Technoparks on the Insurance Industry”. In the Insurtech Trends Session from a Global Perspective, Istanbul University Faculty Member & Fintech Istanbul Founder Prof. Dr. Selim Yazıcı, Insurtech Hub Israel CEO Kobi Bendelak, SeaTech Director Servet Gerçek, Insurtech Hartford Founder and Head of Global Technology Innovation Stacey Brown took part as speakers. In the Cyber Security Insurance Session, Avanade Data Protection Senior Manager Onur Korucu, Secureway CEO Can Tarakçı, Govern ID founder Mustafa Özçakır and Marsh Financial Insurances Deputy General Manager Aykut Çakıroğlu talked about Cyber Security, Cyber Risk and Claims Trends and Nart Executive Director, who spoke about Insurance Solutions. Board Member Erdem Altın took part as a speaker. In the Digital Insurance Panel held in the main session hall, Insurtech Hub Board Member Fatih Acer was the moderator; Doğan Trend Insurance CEO Şenol Ortaç, Hürriyet Deputy General Manager for Digital Erhan Acar, SBM Information Board Chairman Berk Bacakoğlu, Doğan Trend Insurance CEO Şenol Ortaç, Turkey Insurance Deputy General Manager Bilal Türkmen and Quick Insurance CDO Pınar Doyen names such as Güzey took part as speakers.